Adult Pottery Class


Come experience learning a new skill while having fun and exploring your creativity! Each session is four classes. Classes meet once a week on Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s or Fridays for 2.5 hours. You will learn how to “throw” up to 7 pieces of pottery, i.e., bowls and cups. Then you’ll learn the art of glazing. After your work is glaze fired, you’ll be able to take home your functional, handmade creations.

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Only 8 spots available. These classes book up fast so please book in advance. Choose your date and time. Tuesdays 6-8:30pm, Wednesday Mornings 10:30am-1pm, Wednesday evenings 6-8:30pm, Friday mornings from 10:30am-1pm. The next Tuesday evening classes begin on: May 7, June 4, July 2. The next Wednesday classes begin on: May 8, June 5, July 3. The next Friday classes begin on: May 10, June 7, July 5.